Model: Sarah Clark
Modifications: casual clothes with minimal make-up with a snapback or a beanie.
Reason: I feel like this person incorporates the look I am trying to achieve with my magazine as it is based at teenagers, of both genders, but mainly girls. Sarah is quite edgy and has a unique style and so she will give my magazine a different look and set it apart from the rest. The look I want her to have is casual as sixth form is supposed to be a smart casual place and the students should dress how they are comfortable.
Location: The school library in front of one of the book shelves.
Reason: One of the articles in my magazine is 'Top 10 Reads for The Summer' so the library will link to that and also it will be aesthetically pleasing and add a bit more colour to the magazine.
Title, Font and Colour: The title is 'You, Me @ Sixth Form' which is a pun from the band 'You, Me At Six.' this is a popular band and should appeal to college students. The title font will be big, bold and black to attract attention but also, if this is a magazine with different issues every month/week then there will be different things on the front cover and black will look good with all types of backgrounds or images. The masthead will be 'new build, new magazine' as the school is having a rebuild and the magazine will be a new edition. It will be the same font as the title but it will be smaller and also not bold. The colours of the article headlines should be quite dark with white outlines so they stand out against the backgrounds I choose to use, they should be big enough that they attract attention but the main article should be bigger and bolder to attract more attention as it is the main attraction.
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