Thursday, 8 October 2015

Contents Page Analysis 2

This magazine contents page is a lot louder than the last page I analysed which I thought would be a good thing but this one is too busy for my liking and it would not look good for the music magazine I want to make as it looks messy and unorganised which may fit the theme of this magazine but would not fit mine well.
The colours used are the typically iconic red, white and black that NME are known for using, I'd like to use the idea of the same colours in my magazine cover and contents in every issue as it creates an iconic and memorable image and it makes it so they can retain their current audience.
There is only two photographs used in the magazine contents as it is mainly text or white space. The text used is the same sanserif font all the way through apart from the housestyle masthead, it is just different sizes and colours with some of the more important text in bold.
This text is organised into three columns. I think the Band Index is a really smart idea as it directly shows the reader where to read if they are solely interested in the band section of the magazine. I'd like to incorporate something like this in my magazine to create a tidier contents and a more organised magazine.
The main article takes up a lot of the space of the magazine contents (about one third) and this is because this feature is the main selling point and putting it very large and obvious is going to help the reader which is very helpful.
Along with these features, the contents promotes ordering more issues of the magazine and even offers a discount if you subscribe to the magazine, this is something I am going to include in my magazine as it will retain the audience as they will save money and enjoy the magazine.

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