Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Q Magazine Cover Analysis

In this lesson we studied the theories of Laura Mulvey, Stuart Hall and Richard Dyer.
After analysing the key aspects of this Lily Allen Q Magazine cover, we wrote whether this cover agreed or disagreed with these theorists.
I think the cover disagrees with Laura Mulvey as her theory was 'the make gaze' and while the model is an attractive woman, she is not posing or styles in a way that women typically would be and it is not normally considered attractive, therefore defying her theory.
In contrast the cover, in my opinion agrees with Richard Dyer's theory of 'a star is an image not a person' as this is not the usual style of Lily Allen, she is more pop and slightly punk sometimes but in this magazine she is portrayed in a way which suits the style of the magazine, not who she really is.
Finally the magazine also contradicts Stuart Hall's theory of stereotyping as Lily isn't showing a typical female roll, she looks very punk rock, independent and strong and is rebelling by breaking and kicking the microphone which is not stereotypical womanly behaviour.

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