Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Rock - Magazine Double Page Spread 4

This double page spread is from the same magazine as the Pierce The Veil magazine cover, this is the article based on the cover story. The article is from Rocksound magazine, this is identified by the mastheed featured in the corner of every page in each issue which has become a convention.
Synergy is created as Vic Fuentes is wearing the same hoodie in both the front cover and this double page spread in one of the photos. The other pictures are just simple band photos to go around the large amount of text. There is only three photos on this page and while it does work for this article I would like to use more pictures on my double page spread as the amount of text on this one is excessive and it would bore me if I were to see this in a magazine. The text used is also very small so that means there is more of it, and it also makes it a little harder for the target audience to be able to read the writing so I would like to make the text on my double page spread a little bigger so it's easier to read.
There is a lot of white space which is better when there is large amounts of text so it is not distracting when reading but there is a slight pattern behind some of the text which is a more translucent version of the same colour as the bold pink text. This colour is also in Vic's jumper and this colour is used throughout, like the same colours were used throughout the front cover. The rest of the text is black like the clothing of the band members on the photo above the article. The use of only Vic wearing bright colours suggests he is the more important member (as he is the lead singer and also plays instruments for the band)
The white interview pull quote on the picture is the same colour as the background of the pages, this colour is used to show through the bright colours of the picture. 
In all the pictures the band look really happy, carefree and themselves, which although seems like it would defy Dyer's theory of representation, they have still been directed to act like this and therefore supporting Dyer.

1 comment:

  1. Look again at your last comment - this does not defy Dyer - you need to quote Dyer and explain in detail - they still have a star image created. They will have been directed by the photographer.
