Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Target Audience Research - Social Media

To get a wider range of people answering my questions, not just people in my media group or close friendship group, I posted on Facebook to ask some of my friends that live a little further away or people who are different and have other views than the people I am surrounded by daily.

Luckily quite a few of my friends were happy to get involved and so I was able to send them a picture of the questionnaire I had made and send it to them, they then typed out their responses to each question and sent them back to me as shown below in the screen shot.

After I had a few responses on Facebook I tweeted and asked if people were willing to fill out a survey for my media work, a few people replied meaning my research base was expanding and making my magazine more national. The screen capture below is from the response of one of my friends who wanted to help me out.

This research really helped me understand the views of people aged 15-22 and also how the views differ due to gender and age group and even location.

The use of social media has informed me of what my target audience thinks of the features that are a part of existing products and which ones are viewed positively, giving me an idea of what I should include in my magazine to appeal to them. It has helped me decide to use a female model on the front cover, to include an interview as my double page spread feature and to use dark yet bold colours to reflect the theme.


  1. Great research conducted Caity. To improve explain exactly how this research informed your planning and creativity.

    1. I have added a paragraph at the end to show this.
