The red used in the fonts could also represent the artist as her signature look is bold, usually with a bright red lipstick, this however is not used in the photograph used with the feature. The colour used is also a part of the Rita Ora logo (shown above), which is used for her albums and concerts in not only this colour but also the same font, this is used as it has become a convention for this artist and many people will recognise the iconic style which will attract people who are already her fans, but hopefully also people looking for new music as it is so bold and modern, almost a graffiti effect.
The red font also links to the first part of the text as the colour red is often linked in with the idea of hotness and the text refers to Rita Ora as 'The UK's hottest music star'. This is also represented in her clothing as she has been styled to appeal to the target audience and look 'hot' which complies to Mulvey's 'male gaze' theory.
In this long shot, taken in the studio, the singer looks very carefree and cool, which is what the director would have told her to do, this pose links to the clothes she is wearing which say 'wild' on the jacket many times, these link because the 'wild' nature of her clothes represent her careless attitude and the way she is cocking her head and holding her hand in quite a cocky way teamed with her untamed curls and the dark eye make up.
The background used is rather edgy and urban and this represents the kind of music that Rita Ora makes, this is creating an image about her in the readers mind and giving subtle hints about the kind of artist she is and what to expect from her. This is created as the director would want to sell the artist and also make the artist look good for the magazine which backs up Dyer's theory of 'a star is an image, not a real person' as she has been told what will work for the magazine and what will look good for her, she is not being her own person, she is being what will sell.
A great post Caity. The use of more cut aways would improve this as they would highlight the exact feature being discussed. Also, ado comments under the heading 'How research has informed my planning and creativity.'