Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Rock - Magazine Double Page Spread 8

This double page spread is from the modern and popular rock magazine 'Kerrang! and it is based on the rock/metal band 'Bring Me The Horizon'.'This is identifiable as the magazine's masthead is in a small font in the bottom right corner, this is on every page in each issue and so has become a convention of this magazine brand. The font used is very very small so it is not distracting from the feature but it is noticeable enough to keep reminding the reader of the brand.
At the top of the right hand page there is the name of the band in the same size font as the pull quote from the interview, I would have thought this would have been the official Bring Me The Horizon logo but that font and colour would have made the page look messy and un-organized so the way they have produced the magazine is very efficient.
The chart at the bottom of the first page reads 'can you feel my chart' which is a play on words as one of Bring Me The Horizon's most famous songs is called 'Can You Feel My Heart' this secures the audience as mainly people who are fans of the band as not only will they be reading an entire feature on them but they will also understand the joke which will add an entertaining tone to the otherwise rather serious piece.

The serious tone of the piece is immediately shown through the pull quote taken from the interview which reads 'I started to feel like the band could be over...' and this quote was taken from the lead singer which only highlights how severe the situation must have been. This suspense filled quote will intrigue the reader, especially existing fans as they will want to read about what was so bad one of the most popular metal bands nearly broke up.The text is also in red which stands out strongly against the background, but the red could also represent the severity of the situation.
The drop capital at the start of the article is showing the reader where the text starts and draws more attention than the rest of the text. Throughout the text there is a lot of speech and quotes as it is an interview with the band and this creates a more intimate feel for the reader as it is direct, reliable and real words by the artists themselves not just what is being written by a writer who knows little about their experiences.
The purple used at the top of the pages is the same colour used on the jumper of one of the band members. This also happens with the colour of the chart and the top of the lead singer as the red/burgundy is the same shade.This creates a link between the features on the page and makes it look neat and well put together instead of having different colours spread around the pages.
The photograph used for the article breaks convention as it spreads onto both pages whereas usually the picture will take up one full page, maximum. The magazine also breaks convention as the pages are slightly larger than the usual A4 size but these broken conventions have become conventions of this brand.
I like the use of body language in the image as it suggests searching for something or maybe pushing something away, this could even be seen as them trying to hold onto the band after their near break-up. I'd like to try and make a link between the body language in my photography with the purpose of my text as the subtle links make the work more interesting.

1 comment:

  1. What a super level 4 analysis here. Make the image smaller and also highlight key media terminology. This post would also benefit from cutaways.
